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Carol Heil.jfif

Carol Heil, LCSW-C

Carol Heil, LCSW-C

M.A. in Social Work, Professional Certified Coach (ICF)

Founder & President, Life Coach, Corporate Adviser

Carol Heil, LCSW-C, is a licensed psychotherapist in private practice in Bethesda, MD. She has 30+ years of experience working with individuals, couples, families, and groups. She has had extensive training in cutting edge therapies that aim to help and heal at deeper levels than traditional methods.  Working with a holistic approach, Carol is committed to assisting her clients to create a positive sense of self, meaningful relationships, and a healthy personal/work-life balance. 


Carol has been in full-time private practice in the DC metro area since 1987. She has been a certified EMDR therapist since the late 90’s, has training in Somatic Experiencing, Imago Relationship Therapy, Hypnotherapy and numerous other modalities. She took the second US training in Family Constellations in 2001 and has participated in advanced training and countless workshops since then in both Europe and the US.


She is a founding member of The Constellations Group in the DC Metro area and has been co-leading all-day Family & Organizational Constellations Workshops about 8-10 times a year since 2002.  Partners in The Constellations Group are among the leaders in introducing Constellations in the US. Attendees at these workshops have described their experience as astoundingly powerful.


Carol does individual constellations in her office and has been running a weekly Constellations Therapy Group since October 2018. ( A description of this group is found on a separate page.)  Her special interest is the integration of one’s personal biographical story with the big picture ancestral “knowing field”  which shows up in Family Constellations. Her intention is to develop additional Constellations Therapy Groups as well as groups for fellow “helping professionals” who would like to get more clarity in their work with clients via the Constellations method. 


Carol was featured in an article in The Psychotherapy Networker magazine in their May/June 2019 issue. She was invited to present Constellations at an all-day workshop at the 2020 Psychotherapy Networker Symposium — unfortunately, canceled due to COVID-19  — and again for the 2021 Symposium. She was also invited to be a presenter at the US National Constellations Conference in Colorado in November 2020.

Carol has literally changed my life and has given me hope.  I never thought I would believe that life could be different and that I would one day not live in constant anxiety, depression, and pain.  With her expertise and guidance, I am
now in a much better place and can say that I am actually hopeful about my future.  



Please call for an appointment

and more information


Office Hours
By Appointment ONLY

Bethesda Office

4405 East-West Hwy. #303

Bethesda, MD  20814

Silver Spring Office

8811 Colesville Rd. #106

Silver Spring, MD  20910

©2020 by Constellations Therapy

Site by The Techanic

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